
Convolvulus for Masses of trailing Blue Flowers

The genus of convolvulus is made up of a number of twining creepers, small herbaceous plants and a few shrubby species all of which can be found through many temperate regions of the world. The trademark 'funnel' or 'trumpet' shaped flowers of these plants are very reminiscent of those belonging to the larger flowering 'morning glories' but should not be confused with these as they belong to separate families with the convolvulus family not having the rampant tendencies of the fore mentioned. Also, unlike 'morning glories', their flowers remain open all day and open in succession over a long season. Many species of convolvulus are highly valued by those involved in garden design and landscaping due to their reliable performance, hardy attributes and long lasting flowering season. Most species are not only tolerant of seaside environments but actually thrive in these regions

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